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Culture July 22, 2019

'Big Little Lies' finale ends in cliffhanger, cast speaks out

WATCH: Exclusive interview with the cast of 'Big Little Lies' season 2

"Big Little Lies" season 2 ended with a heart-pumping finale that many fans are still talking about today.

Major spoilers ahead if you haven't yet seen the episode.

In the finale, Nicole Kidman's character Celeste won in court and got to keep her kids. It was a triggering episode though, one that was hard to watch as she showed shocking video of her husband Perry hitting her before his death last season.

(MORE: 'Big Little Lies' stars spill secrets of how season 2 came to be)

It was also revealed that Mary Louise (Meryl Streep) had abused Perry, which may have lead to his own history of violence with his wife. Fans especially loved the interactions between Mary Louise and Celeste, which were powerful and showed two Oscar winners at the top of their game.

Renata, played by Laura Dern, also got sweet revenge on her cheating husband, Gordon, by going to town on his valuable train set. Fans loved that.

Madeline, played by Reese Witherspoon, and Ed came full circle and renewed their vows after it was revealed earlier this season that she had been unfaithful. Madeline had been trying all season to win back her husband's trust.

(MORE: Nicole Kidman says the 'story has really only begun' in 'Big Little Lies' season 2)

The biggest shakeup came after Zoe Kravitz's character Bonnie not only left her husband Nathan, but watched her mother die (after finally saying she loves her) and then headed off to the police station to admit she was the one who pushed and killed Perry.

But before she walks into the station, she meets the other women involved, and it looks like the whole group could possibly reveal the truth about what happened, which could mean jail time for them all.

How any potential confession ends is left a mystery, leaving fans wanting more.

But mostly, people just want a season 3.

Showrunners have said that there is no plan for another season, but you never know.

The cast spoke Sunday about how grateful they are to everyone who watched.

Witherspoon shared a beautiful picture from her on-screen vow renewal.

The episode's star, Kidman, wrote, "What a journey to have been on! Thank you to all of you for watching, and everything you have given this show and more! Your support made it possible and allowed these women’s stories to be told. To everyone who was involved in making the show - my deepest thanks. Love you all xx #BigLittleLies."

Kravitz shared a photo of her and co-star Laura Dern celebrating.

Only time will tell if the truth will be the police and the community of Monterey.