Dr. Tiffany Best

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Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

Why pediatricians are pushing for kids to go back to school in the fall

Novel video game approved by FDA could potentially help children with ADHD

Justin Lane/EPA via Shutterstock, FILE

How to raise a non-anxious child in the anxious time of coronavirus

Axel Heimken/POOL via Getty Images

Mother to baby transmission of COVID-19 cannot be ruled out, new study finds

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Homeschooling during COVID-19: Why all kids may not need eight hours of instruction a day at home

John Minchillo/AP, FILE

Preventing coronavirus: Are supplements the answer?

STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Teacher's praise helps students focus more than punishment, study finds

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP, FILE

Justin Bieber reveals he has Lyme disease: What to know about the infectious disease

Brendan McDermid/Reuters, FILE

Apple charges ahead into medical research; introduces Research app


Yoga to meditation: A look at the complementary methods for breast cancer patients to treat the whole person