
Dr. Rebecca Fujimura

Dr. Rebecca Fujimura is on ABC News. Get Dr. Rebecca Fujimura's latest news stories and articles, connect with millions of users and join the conversation at ABC News.

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Eating a dozen eggs a week doesn't hurt your cholesterol: Study

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What to know about calculating breast cancer risk after Olivia Munn's diagnosis

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Women get same exercise benefit as men, with less effort, study finds

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These 3 exercises found to be the best for treating depression

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Leading pediatric group warns competitive youth sports are leading to burnout, injuries

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Men may be better at directions than women, but new study says this isn’t due to an evolutionary advantage, as long believed

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Screen time for kids under 2 linked to sensory differences in toddlerhood: Study

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How Dry January can help with anti-aging, according to doctors

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How to make a vision board that will help you reach your goals in the new year, according to a neurologist

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Experts share advice on making New Year's resolutions that last: Start now, start simple and be specific