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Production Associate

Allie Marzella

Allie Marzella is on ABC News. Get Marzella's latest news stories and articles, connect with millions of users and join the conversation at ABC News.

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Getty Images, FILE
PHOTO: In this undated file photo, a woman plays with a group of puppies.

Happy National Dog Day! Here's how dogs can improve your mental health

Dillon Driscoll
PHOTO: Samantha Capaldi, Sommelier and Wine Educator

Sommelier expert suggests ways to make your Kentucky Derby watch party unique and fun

Rachel Scott/ABC News
PHOTO: Mariella Haubs and Jocelyn Zhu two Juilliard School alums travel the world playing at refugee camps.

Juilliard graduates trade stage for refugee camps

ABC Photo Illustration, Jair Ripoll

This flight attendant donated a kidney to his co-worker

Samir Hussein/Getty Images

5-minute makeup tricks to look like Duchess Kate